Parenting cooperation

Parental cohabitation is very important to us in Polarhagen kindergarten, and a prerequisite for doing a good job with the children. The Kindergarten Act states that it is the parents who are responsible for the child's upbringing. The kindergarten will assist in this work, and it will therefore be necessary to have a good and close cooperation with the home. Before the child starts kindergarten, we have a start-up conversation with the parents where we form a picture of the child and his needs.

Parents are welcome to visit before kindergarten starts. In Polarhagen kindergarten, daily contact is facilitated in pick-up and drop-off situations. This leads us to get to know each other in a natural and informal way. A more formal contact is provided at parent meetings and parent conversations. We have 1 parent meeting a year, we have that in the fall. There, in-depth information about the kindergarten year will be provided. Everyone is offered parental talks at least 2 times a year.

Vi i personalet kan også benyttes ved behov for hjelp og veiledning i oppdragerspørsmål, eller være behjelpelig med å henvise til andre hjelpeinstanser.

Foreldrene har i tillegg medvirkning på barnehagens virksomhet gjennom sine representanter i samarbeidsutvalget som også har representanter fra personalet og eier.

Foreldre er alltid velkommen hos oss